In-person & Virtual

5-8 May, 2025, Stockholm, Sweden

View of Stockholm-170351.jpg from Wikimedia Commons by Jonatan Svensson Glad, CC-BY-SA 4.0

2025 Edition Topics

Neural Networks and Brain-Inspired Computing - Neurobiology of Decision Making - Memory Formation and Retrieval - Neuroplasticity and Learning - Neuroimaging Techniques - Neurodegenerative Diseases - Large-Scale Brain Simulations - Theoretical Neuroscience - Open Science and Brain Research


The BrainNet workshop promotes a multidisciplinary approach to the study of the brain, covering a wide range of topics that elucidate its complex mechanisms and functions. The event brings together distinguished scientists from leading institutions across Europe who investigate the brain using methods from fields such as Statistics, Complex Networks, Dynamical Systems, Topology, Machine Learning, or a combination of these. By integrating diverse perspectives and cutting-edge research, the workshop aims to advance our understanding of brain function while fostering innovation and collaboration within the scientific community. Participants will have the opportunity to engage with the latest findings, discuss emerging trends, and explore the ethical and practical considerations of brain research.


The workshop will consist of:

  • Speaker presentations: Talks given by researchers presenting an overview of their area of research and their latest results.

  • Contributed talks: Selected from abstracts submitted by participants interested in presenting at the workshop.

  • Flash talks: Short 5-minute talks that all participants should give to introduce themselves and the topics they are working on or are interested in.

Confirmed Speakers

Adrián Ponce-Alvarez
Department of Mathematics, Polytechnic University of Catalonia

Talk Title:: TBAAbstract: TBA

Alex Bhogal
University Medical Center Utrecht
Google Scholar

Talk Title:: TBAAbstract: TBA

Andrew Lehr
University Medical Center Göttingen
Google Scholar

Talk Title:: TBAAbstract: TBA

Annegret Habich
Karolinska Institutet
Google Scholar

Talk Title:: TBAAbstract: TBA

Barbara Hollunder
Department of Neurology, Charité - University Medicine Berlin
Google Scholar

Talk Title:: TBAAbstract: TBA

Dhrubaditya Mitra
Nordita, Stockholm University
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Talk Title:: TBAAbstract: TBA

Grégoria Kalpouzos
Karolinska Institutet
Google Scholar

Talk Title:: TBAAbstract: TBA

Jacob Vogel
Lund University
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Talk Title:: TBAAbstract: TBA

Josefine Waldthaler
Karolinska Institutet
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Talk Title:: TBAAbstract: TBA

Katharina Heining
Karolinska Institutet
Google Scholar

Talk Title:: TBAAbstract: TBA

Lida Kanari
Open Brain Institute
Google Scholar

Talk Title:: TBAAbstract: TBA

Michael Winding
Francis Crick Institute
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Talk Title:: TBAAbstract: TBA

Rodrigo Moreno
Google Scholar

Talk Title:: TBAAbstract: TBA

Sacha van Albada
Research Center Jülich
Google Scholar

Talk Title:: TBAAbstract: TBA

Roxana Zeraati
Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics
Google Scholar

Talk Title:: TBAAbstract: TBA


Arvind Kumar (Organizer)
Assistant Professor at KTH
Email: [email protected]

Gonzalo Uribarri (Organizer)
Postdoc at KTH & SciLifeLab
Email: [email protected]

Henri Riihimäki (Organizer)
Research fellow at Nordita, Stockholm University
Email: [email protected]

Jason Smith (Organizer)
Nottingham Trent University, Senior Lecturer
Email: [email protected]

Pascal Helson (Organizer)
Postdoc at EECS, DCS, KTH & SciLifeLab.
Email: [email protected]

Sarah Vandenbulcke (Organizer)
Postdoc at KTH
Email: [email protected]


BrainNet is the results from the merging of two events that were held separately, IBD and BrainNet. Information about these past events can be found on their websites: BrainNet 2022 , IBD 2023 , BrainNet 2023, and BrainNet+IBD 2024.


This event is possible thanks to the sponsorship of KTH Life Science Platform, Digital Futures, Nordita, The Wallenberg Initiative on Networks and Quantum Information, and StratNeuro


During the first day (May 5) the event will take place in Nordita, AlbaNova. During the following days (May 6,7,8) the event will take place in the Digital Futures hub. See map below:

Register for the event

In-person Registration Deadline: April 6th

In-person participants can also apply to give a contributed talk.Seats for the in-person event are limited and will be allocated based on an evaluation of the registration, prioritizing participants' willingness to participate and the diversity of the audience. For virtual attendance, there is no limitation, but registration is still required.IMPORTANT: The event is free of charge. But please be responsible and only register for in-person participation if you really intend to attend. Otherwise you will be denying others the opportunity to attend.

If you have any questions or need more information about the event, please contact us:

We will try to reply your message as son as possible.


DayTimeTopicKeynote Speaker
June 8MorningModelling SessionGustavo Deco
June 8AfternoonData Analysis SessionPeter Fransson
June 8EveningSocial Activity--
June 9MorningBrain Imaging SessionAxel Thielscher
June 9AfternoonHands-On--
June 9EveningSocial Activity--

Speaker Presentations

Talk Title:: The Thermodynamics of MindAbstract: We propose a unified theory of brain function called ‘Thermodynamics of Mind’ which provides a natural, parsimonious way to explain the underlying computational mechanisms. The theory uses tools from non equilibrium thermodynamics to describe the hierarchical dynamics of brain states over time. Crucially, the theory combines correlative (model-free) measures with causal generative models to provide solid causal inference for the underlying brain mechanisms. The model-based framework is a powerful way to use regional neural dynamics within the hierarchical anatomical brain connectivity to understand the underlying mechanisms for shaping the temporal unfolding of whole-brain dynamics in brain states. As such this model-based framework fitted to empirical data can be exhaustively investigated to provide objectively strong causal evidence of the underlying brain mechanisms orchestrating brain states.